Dead cells Wiki



NPC名 描述 位置 外观
教程骑士 玩家初次进入游戏时,女骑士会出现并引导玩家。每当枭首者出逃时,她都会说一些高深莫测的谏言。也许正是因为话语给她惹来了杀身之祸————她在游戏进展不久后就被发现死在了有罪者大道的入口,凶手不知所踪。每当你经过时,你都会看见一具腐臭的尸骨。

当玩家第一次击败 收藏家后,她会以一个闪烁的影子重新出现在游戏开始的地方,直到你迎来真正的结局。

收藏家 收藏家会把你在游戏过程中收集的图纸保管起来。当你攒够细胞后,就可以找他永久解锁图纸中的物品。他是推进整个游戏不可或缺的角色(各种意义上的)。

收藏家会在5 BOSS细胞难度下消失不见,让你无处花费细胞。

Guillain Lets the player choose a mutation to acquire after every completed biome, with a max ammount of 3 at the same time. Those can be restarted and reselected by a price which increases with each use. In the transition room located between each two biomes.
The Blacksmith The only access the player has to the Legendary Forge, where they can permanently upgrade the quality of the gear found throughout the game. In the transition room after each boss biome (after the Black Bridge, Insufferable Crypt or the Nest, and after the Clock Room or Guardian's Haven).
The Blacksmith
The Tailor Lets the player change the Beheaded's outfit, choosing between those they have unlocked. Prisoners' Quarters
The Tailor
The Scribe Keeps track of player's game stats. Prisoners' Quarters
The Scribe
The Spider Explains the Darkness mechanic at the entrance of the Forgotten Sepucher. At the entrance of the Forgotten Sepulcher
The Spider
The Ghost Explains how challenge rifts work, the first time one is entered. At the entrance of the first Challenge Rift the player enters
The King Throne Room
Kingthrone closeup
Gollum Toxic Sewers
Gollum 1


NPC name Info Location Image
The Fisherman NPC that was found in the Pier and, when spoken to, would kill the Beheaded to let him start a new run. Pier